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Finally got the Eclipse Shot I wanted


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Jul 16, 2015
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Eclipse 2024
by Peeb OK, on Flickr
Got to shoot the 2017 Eclipse, but in my excitement, I failed to see that I had bumped the focus ring and my diamond ring shots were uniformly soft. Shutter speeds were also too slow to 'freeze' the prominences.

Got some painter's tape and sealed off the ring this time, upped my shutter speed- did the trick!

Nikon Z6
Nikkor 200-500 f/5.6 set to 500
f 8
1/3000 shutter
ISO 560
*DXO Photolab (noise reduction)
*Photoshop (everything else)
*Topaz Gigapixel AI to upsize after cropping
*Topaz Sharpen AI
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Spectaculr shot! Nice flares.
Thanks! My condolences to anyone in the path that got clouded out. It was a very real concern in S.E. Oklahoma- we missed the first 2/3 of C1, but were lucky to get a clear look at all of totality!
That's a great shot. Congrats. Curious. How long does the flare take to reach the maximum size that it would blur at what shutter speed? I ask because I;ve seen the size of the earth dwarfed by the size of these flares indicating that these things must approach the speed of light when enlarging. Any thoughts on this?
That's a great shot. Congrats. Curious. How long does the flare take to reach the maximum size that it would blur at what shutter speed? I ask because I;ve seen the size of the earth dwarfed by the size of these flares indicating that these things must approach the speed of light when enlarging. Any thoughts on this?
Don't have a scientific answer, but here was my methodology. Wanted to shoot at f/8 and I meant to have my ISO at 400 but apparently in the excitement it was bumped to 560. In manual mode, I just rolled the shutter command dial until the exposure looked right thru my mirrorless viewfinder- turned out to be 1/3000 which is crazy fast. I would think that 1/1000 or maybe even 1/500 would have done a fine job- assuming a sturdy tripod.
I especially like the composition being only a part of the sun. I think everything I have seen so far is the whole sun, usually in the middle. It's good to have that particular picture too, but this more detailed image is refreshing.

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