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Few random pictures


TPF Noob!
Oct 1, 2007
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I have been playing around with the camera here and there and started trying some editing also. Here are a few shots let me know what you guys think.

The shots are of my coral in my 30 gallon aquarium and in NYC.





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last one's cool but the rest was i think out of focus...
Yea the first few I shot with the lens set on manual focus. The last one was auto-focus
I agree with Rateeg... Love the last one - are the buildings straight or do they seem to lean a bit? I see the bottom line is straight but maybe the buildings could benefit from less leaning to the right...??
They all seem pretty random to me.
Number 1 doesn't really convey a subject to me. Number 2+3 look pretty good. I don't perceive them to be out of focus but they are a little soft. Number four didn't excite me much but you did a nice job on number 5. Did it take you long to shoot that?
Thanks for all the feedback everyone.

#1 was a little difficult to deal with. Its a bit far back in the tank so I couldn't get a good shot.

#2 and #3 took me a while and that was the best I could get it. Going to keep trying. Those damn fish never stay still for a second. Any tips on improving them?

I only took two quick shots of #5 and that was the best out of the two...
Yeah, the fish have motion blur... I have the same fish in my tank except I have a Purple Fire Goby and I haven't been able to get a good picture of them.. Clown fish are the hardest in my opinion, they never stop moving!! I have been trying to get a good picture of my Mandarin Dragonet forever...
Managed to get another shot of the clown today and i think it came out a lot better.

@MissCream: Yea they are extremely hard to get good pics of! How long have you had the dragonet? Is it eating frozen or pods?

Originally I wanted 2 purple firefish but my shop didn't have any. So I ended up with 2 red fire fish, 2 clowns and a 6 line wrasse.


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