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Fathers Day Photo Contest

May 6, 2012
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Paso Robles, CA
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Hi Everyone! We are holding a contest on our Facebook page.

Fathers Day Photo Contest!! 5 free canvas prints will be given away!

Fathers day is just around the corner so we are going to be giving away 5 free 11"x14" photos on canvas. All you have to do to qualify is post your favorite photo of your Father on our Facebook page in the section labeled Fathers Day Photo Contest. Its right next to the like button on our page. It's that simple. The top 5 pictures with the most likes will win (limit one winner per person). The giveaway ends 11:59am on June 17th, 2012 (Fathers Day). Share this with your friends and don't forget to like our page!!

Here is the link to where you post your photo. https://www.facebook.com/ExpressionsOnCanvas/app_254553244581393

Enter soon and let us know if you have any questions. Thanks

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I don't have a facebook, am I uneligible to enter then? :(
Hi Kazooie,

Yes unfortunately you have to have a facebook account to enter but there really easy, free and quick to setup. You can setup an account here Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More. We plan on having photo contests every month so it might be something you want to look into. I wish you luck and let me know if you have any other questions.

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