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Feb 10, 2006
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Well I've heard of Jet Skiing but Jet Ducking???


Yee haw!!

Is the spray of water still called a 'rooster tail' if it's coming off a duck?
Hoppy said:
What did you show that poor duck to make her run away in panic?????

Your website :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: only kidding Hoppy, it was a photo of Ray Willmott
Now if only you can get that duck to tow a squirrel on a water ski.
Big Mike said:
Now if only you can get that duck to tow a squirrel on a water ski.
Now I'd pay good money to see that
I have never frightened a duck in my life

This is True, FOTO-GRAFFIC has never frightened a duck. He has worried a few Sheep, Surprised a Horse and is often found standing on the banks of the River Thames insulting Swans.
lostprophet said:
This is True, FOTO-GRAFFIC has never frightened a duck. He has worried a few Sheep, Surprised a Horse and is often found standing on the banks of the River Thames insulting Swans.

Well the Sheep were fair game, the horse was a donkey - but the Swans had nothing to do with me. I have founf a self portrait of Hoppy - go to general Gallery and click on the Theme Moldova. 2nd Image is Hoppy. He looks very pensive and has that air of superiority about him. Now there is a man that has upset a few animals in his time - bored them into a lethagy and then photographed them - I think he gives then the latin names of the trees they are sitting in.

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