

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 8, 2022
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Can others edit my Photos
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So I'm hoping to get some eyes on my work, but I'm not sure how. (Excluding forums, obviously) - any thoughts?

I personally think social media is on its way out, but instagram is best for photographers. There are some new blog formates that are looking interesting, but you need to have a good email list or some way to drive people to the site. The links above are a great way to get started, then when you are ready portfolio reviews are amazing way to network. I've done Photolucida twice and FotoFest three times (there are many other good ones too). Some contests are also good. Look for contests that are juried by people in the industry you are most interested (galleries, magazines, curators, etc). Who cares if you win, its getting your photographs in front of the right people.
Thanks Deon, helpful.

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