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Expecam.com Feedback /Experience


TPF Noob!
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
The pricing on this site is almost too good to be true. I found very little negative feedback on this site yet the prices are dramatically lower than B&H and Adorama, Penn, Ritz.

Can anybody chime in to share their knowledge or experience with this site??

Yes - well I am skeptical, and I called and found that it is grey market camera (china) so no USA warranty. I think I need to look into this a bit more. Sales person on the phone realy sounded like a pr*&%
Most of the people you deal with at a scam shop like that will be.

Most everyone here will recommend you shopping from B&H or Adorama. Yeah, the cameras & equipment cost a little more, but you know they can be trusted to deliver the product you really want at a fair price, where these scam shops will tell you the battery isn't included in the camera, and to buy one costs $150.
Thanks to everyone that responded to this thread. I too almost was a victim of this site, the prices were to good to believe and the site itself contained only positive reviews which left me a little skeptical. After running into this forum and reading this post I decided to deal with a different vender and feel secure in my transaction. I am happy that forums like this exist to alert potential buyers like myself from becoming victims of unethical venders.
Rob, Glad it helped you out too. Short story - I went to my local photo shop in Virginia and I am sssoooo glad. They were a delight to work with, very very knowledgeable (and patient)

I am hooked and will purchase all my new toys through them -

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