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Exotic flower


TPF Noob!
Jul 12, 2006
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Flower pic takin in jamaica ok to edit
Hi Shotkatcher, and welcome to ThePhotoForum.
I moved your flower portrait from the General Gallery over to Landscapes and Nature, I think it fits better in here.

Beautiful first pic to show us, though it does look a bit soft and not fully in focus. But the red comes out nicely and I like how the flower gets framed by the leaves. I wonder what an unsharp mask could do?
I used to have a profile on tpf before u remodled the site i was STILLALIVE i took pictures of birds with prey and foxes chasing rabbits and stuff like that i've always done nature photography oh and this was not takin with my usuall camera but i always keep a digitall point and shoot on me so it was taken with a Sony Cybershot DSC-S85 and thanks for the feedback

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