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Evening in Berlin - WorldCup sky :)


The Freshmaker!
Jun 29, 2004
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Poland, Sz-n
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what do you think? taken yesterday in Berlin during the Fan Fest :)
Wow, pretty impressive :thumbup:
i don't know why but when i was in germany the sky was so blue...

awsome photo BTW
spot on :thumbup:
nice one mentos...like the composition and the saturation in the sky.:)
This is a nice one, but there is one with the big flag in the foreground in your second series in the Photojournalism Gallery that I like even better. Though I must say the sky is quite impressive here, and the inclusion of the Ferris Wheel in only that corner there is quite cleverly done.
thank you guys :D
And thank you Corinna for giving me the name of the wheel :) I asked one German there ( in m,y poor German... ) he answered something but I didn't understand... :):)

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