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EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM?


TPF Noob!
Apr 8, 2009
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I use a digital rebel xt, I am curious about this macro lense. Out of all the canon macro lenses would this be the best macro to start out with or should I look at another model? Also I was reading that some people use this lense for portraits, would this be the case even with a crop sensor camera? Thanks again!
I don't think I've ever heard anything bad about this lens....except maybe that it's too sharp and shows more detail on people's faces than they want you to see. ;)

I don't think there is a 'best Macro lens to start with'. Just choose the one that fits your needs and budget.

Yes, this can still make a great portrait lens on a crop camera...provided that you are not working in a confined space that doesn't allow you room to back up if you need to include more than a head & shoulders shot.

You might also consider the EF-S 60mm macro. I've heard that it's very similar to the 100mm Macro but it's more compact which makes it easier to keep in your camera bag.
The 100mm is great! all internal focus unlike the Sigma 105mm. The 2.8 is greatly used for macro and portraits are very well done, even with a crop sensor as mine. Don't hesitate to buy this as the price may go up again as it has.
The 60mm is an excellent lens for both macro and portrait use. On a crop sensor body, it works out as effectively a 96mm lens, which is an ideal length for portraiture, and as Mike says, it is also considerably lighter than the 100mm EF.
The 60mm is an excellent lens for both macro and portrait use. On a crop sensor body, it works out as effectively a 96mm lens, which is an ideal length for portraiture, and as Mike says, it is also considerably lighter than the 100mm EF.

The 60mm is an EF-S lens its just simply 60 on a crop as it's designed for smaller sensors.

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