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Edinburgh - Scotland's culture capital


TPF Noob!
Feb 5, 2013
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Edinburgh, Scotland
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In September I moved down to Edinburgh to start my university course and have collated a number of photographs ever since. The city itself is fantastic with lots to do and see, both from a tourist and resident's point of view. It's also a very beautiful city with excellent architecture, plenty of greenery and a castle sat right at its center.

So I thought I would start this thread, so I can showcase my photos taken since September, and that I will take in the coming few years as I work through my degree. I will try to also write about each photo, where it was taken, what it composes and sometimes why I took it.

1. The first image I wish to share with you is the first image I took that really summed up my new life in the city. It was a foggy October day and I was on my way back from uni when I shot this. To me it depicted the busy life with transport all over the place and people on their way to do their own thing. I actually lived in the distance where the fog covers, where Lothian Road and Bruntsfield join.

Sepia city by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

2. This image was taken on the same day as the above and shows the trees in the Bruntsfield Links, commonly mistaken for the Meadows which are actually slightly further down to the east (towards Arthur's Seat) although its an easy mistake as they are separated by a road.

Natural opacities by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

3. I waited ages for snow which never really came. This was as bad as it ever really managed to get and even then it melted hours later. This shows the Castle and was taken from Princes' Street.

Wintery mound by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

4. On this day I was shooting some footage for part of a uni project and decided to take a few stills whilst I was at it. The rest were awful with this photo being the only keeper, but I liked it so much that it's now my phone wallpaper. Taken from Calton hill, on the far left you can see the castle, in the middle there is a clock tower which belongs to the hotel Balmoral, just to the right of that you can see the Wallace Scott monument which for £3 can gift you an excellent view of the city despite having honorific stairs - so small! - towards the top.

Evening in the capital by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

5. Taken on a walk along the canal which runs from almost the centre of the city all the way out to the west, this photo is actually rotated 180 degrees so it looks like it's the right way up.

Life in watercolour by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

I'll be adding to this in the future,
Next few images now.

6. This was taken back in September when I first moved to Edinburgh and wanted to explore. So I went up the Scott Monument, the tower without a clock in image 4. This was the view looking towards the castle (on the left) and down Princes' Street. It's incredible how many buses are constantly on this road!

Edinburgh from above by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

7. This is a more bizarre one, I was working at a function at Easter Road stadium and the chandeliers in it looked brilliant. This is a close up detail shot shot with my 50mm f/1.8 if I remember rightly.

New watermark by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

8. This last photo for now was taken the same day as the other one of the castle when I was caught up in a blizzard at the Castle terrace. It's one of my favourite mono photographs from Edinburgh mainly because the texture of the snow I thought looked superb against the castle.

Blizzard in the capital by Chris Milne Photography, on Flickr

Enjoy, the next post won't be until at least Tuesday as I'm off to shoot a music festival over the weekend. With the good weather remaining here and a lot of friends going it should be a great weekend!
Yeah I agree, really nice work you've done here
Beautiful work. makes me want to go. Looking forward to seeing more.
A lot of really creative shots here! I really like your "Life in Watercolor" shot...it's very different.

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