Easy Rider


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Jul 25, 2014
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NW Florida
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He was just cruisin' as if he were the only one in the universe.
Cyanotype, 18 minute exposure, toned with black tea and coffee for 35 minutes. I am going to redo this at 15 minutes because I got more dry down than I was expecting and perhaps tone a bit longer as well.

Mick Cyano 18 min toned in black tea and coffee.webp
How exactly do you do this photo art, i dont know the method of it?
How exactly do you do this photo art, i dont know the method of it?
Exactly when speaking about Cyanotype exactly is used cautiously when describing the process. Basically, you mix two relatively harmless chemicals together in equal parts Cyanotype. You can print via a negative or as a put materials atop the dried or wet paper, cover with glass, clamp down and expose in the sun for one to two hours. I do both methods. Using a negative exposes at 12-20 minutes. Toning is done with a variety of materials. For the most part I use 6 bags of green tea in 250ml 125 degree water for about 30 minutes or in this case, Roobios black tea combined with a tbs of instant coffee, same temp, same time.
I googled cyanotype and understand it now👍, i like the idea of being able to do it outdoors in the sun.

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