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Does anyone have a portrait we could work with?


TPF Noob!
Dec 6, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
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I love playing with photoshop and I'm probably not the only one... However, there is no material to work with. Of course there is the always helpful Google, but most of the pictures are poor quality or just too boring to work with :(

SO... if you have a portrait that has not been "spoilt" ;) with fancy effects, etc., please post it here, so we could all practice our skills, compare the results and share the secrets!
Why don't you just shoot them yourself?
I like the idea.... but its boring... try it out

Anyways, if you are interested what I have done in 5 mins here is the link:

MyaLover, don't say that it is boring! ;) Because its not! :lol: And in some time I will post something more professional than the this pic. I will definatelly work on it, when I have more time than 5 mins, 'cause its really an amazing picture! I really love the style - the cigarette and the bath and even the razor ;) Thank you very much for sharing!!! :thumbup:
Thats great! I love seeing peoples ideas!! Keep em coming!
I like the concept, but the ring and pinkie fingers on the left hand look very strange and deformed.
I like the concept, but the ring and pinkie fingers on the left hand look very strange and deformed.

I had only 5 minutes to do that pic :) So, its all a big mess... But currently I am working on it with much more precission.
This was my fix on this photo


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