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Did anyone photograph the Wolf Moon?


TPF Noob!
Oct 25, 2015
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Bloomington, Indiana
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Hello all,
Wasn't to sure where to post this at but here seemed good.
Anyone here take any pics of the Wolf Moon? I would love to see them.
Also, whats the best type of lens to use for astronomy for a nikon D5300?
Old/Wolf - January's Full Moon from the howling cold winds.

I took a photo of it in the early evening and one in the morning.
I just hand held it with my camera/lens. Tamron 150-600 @600mm. Single images, no stacking.

If I take some time to do anything I'll use a 1900mm Meade 125etx ota, or for segments a lx 200. But it's too cold in the winter for that.

But the longer the lens, the better.

Thanks for posting the good pics. I like em a lot. I'm guessing the the lenses to get into astronomy are pricey but I'll get some sooner or later...probably later.
Can you hook up your camera to a astronomy telescope?
The Tamron 150-600 is mostly used for birding. There's other long but cheaper options such as Sigma 150-500 or 50-500 lenses.

Other than that you can get into using telescopes such as a Meade 90 etx or 125 etx, or Celestron equivalent or other brands.

Other than just the telescope an "OTA" is the Optical Tube Assembly which is just the telescope tube itself. No gears or anything else. Basically put it on a tripod and take shots, so it's fixed.
I really need to get some lenses. I only have 1. a 18-55mm af-p which is not very good for nature or astronomy. I just looked up that sigma and wow, definitely to pricey for me but a darn nice lens. Thanks for your info. I appreciate it.
You can do quite a bit with 600mm.
This examples is cropped but shows Jupiter with 3 of it's moons. For a single image, the moons are not as brightly reflective as Jupiter, so you end up over exposing Jupiter to see the 3 moons.
That is so cool. It's gonna be a long while before I can get any lenses capable of that. It took all I had just to get a D5300. Do you have a lot of astronomy pics? I would like to check them out. neat stuff.
That is so cool. It's gonna be a long while before I can get any lenses capable of that. It took all I had just to get a D5300. Do you have a lot of astronomy pics? I would like to check them out. neat stuff.
I have some on my Flickr page => stevesklar’s albums | Flickr

Most images are taken right from my backyard which has a lot of city light pollution.
I really need to get some lenses. I only have 1. a 18-55mm af-p which is not very good for nature or astronomy. I just looked up that sigma and wow, definitely to pricey for me but a darn nice lens. Thanks for your info. I appreciate it.
18mm is a good focal length for large swaths of the sky. There's many photographers here that really use the 10-20mm focal length to get some really astonishing photos of the night sky.
Below image from a dark sky park at 18mm f/3.5
and other things too if you have them around, shot at 50mm. 18-55 is just not for getting close to long distance objects.
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Omg those pictures are amazing.

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