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desktop tripod for macro photography

Vic Vinegar

TPF Noob!
Jan 30, 2015
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Hi all. I have an a6000 and I recently got their 30mm macro lens and I want to do some flower photography with it. The problem is that my hands shake so I need a tripod that I can put on my dining room table and will let me get very close to the table. I saw some of the ball joint looking tripods online for about $15 and I don't know if those are any good. I want mine to be able to form into any configuration and keep my camera steady. Like if I have a large flower then I can just tilt it upwards and put it close to the flower. Or if I want to focus stack some coins or something on the table, I can do that. Does that make sense? The a6000 and the 30mm lens are very light and I don't think I need anything fancy. I was hoping to spend less than $75. Any thoughts? Or is there anything you guys do that helps you get ultra close photos of flowers? Thanks!
It's usually possible to set up a standard tripod close to the edge of the table. If that doesn't suit something like the gorilla pod (there are several versions with different weight capacities) or even a monster pod should do the job nicely.
Remember in many cases the subject can be moved a little too. For macro of coins etc. I often find moving the subject small amounts to be easier than the camera, especially if the coins are on a piece of paper/card...
I'd look at a Silk Mini Pro.
Take a look at the KF Concept 72" tripod with the horizontal arm. It costs more than your budget - but it is very flexible for a lightweight camera like your a6000 and macro lens. I use this for product photography for my website and printed brochures. Maybe you can find a used one on eBay. It is much more useful than some of the table-top tripods available. You could also benefit from a remote shutter release like the Sony RM-VPR1 wired remote if you want to really get sharp images - or you can use your self timer to snap the shot.
Thanks all for your suggestions. I'll be looking into each of these in the coming weeks and figuring out what to buy!

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