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Depth Of Field Preview Button

The Berric

TPF Noob!
Apr 9, 2016
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Hi, im new to film slrs. i know its a bit late in the game, but i recently purchased a Nikon F4 slr.
I couldnt help but notice the depth of field preview button. I started using it in manual mode and soon came to realize that it threw off my exposure meter. I understand the basics of this button but my question to all of you is, should i meter my exposures with that button pressed? (because of it closing the aperture down to its desired point) does it affect my exposure? this is all very confusing to me.

so the exposure isnt changed? all my photos are ok?
The meter is based upon light that is reflected off the mirror inside the camera and is then fed into the sensors that read the light and determine the exposure to be used. As a result the camera sensors take into account what the aperture, shutter speed and ISO will all do with the light that enters the camera body. If you close the aperture blades using the depth of field preview button, the sensors inside the camera have no idea about this. All they see is the reduction in light and thus change the exposure as a result.

Thus you should use the exposure as given by the camera without the button being depressed.
oh thank you. it had me so worried haha

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