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D810... am I worthy?

We have long ago established that a 'pro camera' is not 'a camera used by a professional'. Which is definitely counter intuitive, but the convention had been around in this and other industries for a long time.

It's a class of product.
We have long ago established that a 'pro camera' is not 'a camera used by a professional'. Which is definitely counter intuitive, but the convention had been around in this and other industries for a long time.

It's a class of product.
OK, what attributes does a camera need to be in the "Pro Class"
Generally including but not limited to:

Extremely robust build quality and weather sealing
Vertical grip
Long shutter life
Long battery life
Two card slots
High end but not bleeding edge systems such as sensor, AF module, etc
100%, bright, prism finder
Lots of programmable buttons and wheels

Lack of popup flash, scene modes, and other features intended to broaden appeal.

And now we can start the litany of point-missing replies of the form 'camera X has feature Y therefore you are dumb'

The discussion is dumb. It's like you guys don't recognize that the D3/4 exist, or Canon's similar products. These things exist. They make up a product category. This product category is commonly referred to as 'pro cameras' in contrast to the 'prosumer camera' of which the D810 is a very very nice high end example.
Glass first, body second!
As for personal 'worthiness' of a material thing? That is for people who spend a lot of time looking at their belly-buttons.:biglaugh:
Look we went over this before.

It's NOT the camera
It's NOT the lens
It's NOT the light
It's NOT the photographer
It's NOT the subject
It's NOT the viewer
It's NOT the transcendental qualities of light and shadows and contrast

It IS the beard and hat!

That's all - BEARD and HAT. Nothing else matters.
Look we went over this before.

It's NOT the camera
It's NOT the lens
It's NOT the light
It's NOT the photographer
It's NOT the subject
It's NOT the viewer
It's NOT the transcendental qualities of light and shadows and contrast

It IS the beard and hat!

That's all - BEARD and HAT. Nothing else matters.
It's actually the photographers mother.
We have long ago established that a 'pro camera' is not 'a camera used by a professional'. Which is definitely counter intuitive, but the convention had been around in this and other industries for a long time.

It's a class of product.

Nikon now classify the D810 as a pro camera. This is the new evolutionary convention. The 'pro' line was created to cater to professional needs. That was the original conception. Regardless of whether it's being used by a full fledge pro or noob. Nikon acknowledged the change in expectations by professionals. Adhering to old conventions amidst evolved expectations is not dissimilar to archiving a belief system in a mental museum locked away from practical reality. Times have changed...

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I don't care what Nikon's marketing department says. Dodge calls their pickup trucks 'heavy duty' but this does not make them HDTs.

It is incredible to me what an argumentative bunch of... people... some of you are.

Seriously this is not an issue to get all worked up about.

In more important news - Jim - has the camera arrived yet - has it has it has it has it??!??!
It's maddening. I state some trivial clarifying little fact and a get a raft of crap from people who don't know the trivial fact and apparently want very very very much to continue to not know it.

It happens over and over on this forum.

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