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D300 users....Tell us your exaltations and woes

I'm struggling with the same thing....If my taxes don't get audited and I get the full amount back (almost $5000) then I'll probably be upgrading to the D300...I still need some better lighting though.....Why are my hobbies always so damn expensive???
I will have my tomorrow morning so we shall see how it goes!

Okay, one final shameless bump. I really thought there were more D300 users here on TPF than have chimed in. I went to purchase yesterday, but forgot about the abbreviated hours on Sundays and got to the shop too late. This is good because it gives more time to reflect on my decision. It's certainly not a $$$ issue, but more a problems concern for the new model. Lot's of accolades, but also lots of swapped out bodies.

C'mon D300 users, give me your worst.

BTW, the "bump" shots were taken with my D80 w/ 70-200mm f2/8 after I went to test drive the D300. Had to keep dodging the traffic flow. :lol:
I've not spoken to anyone with a D300 that didn't absolutely love it. I already gave my in-depth review above, and I hope that was of some assistance, and I assure you that my accolades for it are not unique to only me, as I've heard similar things from everyone I've talked to who has had a D300. For people that are talking about the problems with the D300, have any of those people owned one, or was the swapping of bodies a small problem that got amplified over the internet as most electronic device problems do?
Thanks TR for your in-depth review. I took great counsel with it. I visit a few other forums that are geared more towards Nikon and that is where my concerns lie. It does seem that the first burst of availables were problematic and the issues do appear to have subsided, but that nagging feeling (I had a first wife) is hard to dispose of. I do not personally know of another D300 user, so my inhibitions are grounded with certain reviews. I also believe that a certain percentage of issues were due to operator error. By Nikon giving us pundits such a vast aray of shooting options, it makes sense that people did not understand all the settings. I'm glad you are one of the fortunate ones that can shoot right out of the box. Have you posted many photos yet?
Here are a few photos I've taken with the D300...I'm trying to pick ones that feature some nice D300 features...

Active D-Lighting, tonal range:

ISO 2500 noise reduction on normal:

Those are just two examples, any threads I've posted all of December and January and February would be with the D300. Anything January and on would be with 14-24mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.4, 180mm f/2.8, or 70-200mm f/2.8, so I was using good lenses for my latest threads.
#1 is awesome. Love the dynamic range.

#2 would have been better if the Hurricanes had been playong. :lol: Super stop action shot though.
The thing offers some amazing saturation too, just with the in-camera picture controls.

Here was one straight out of the camera, and this also gives some good shadow details:
Ok, I have been PM'ed more than once about doing a more comprehensive review on the D300 than what I have previously put here.

The other reviewers are correct about things like the Active D lighting being great, the vibrant colors, the high ISO performance, the build quality, etc.

There is no reason for me to repeat this, so I will just again say that the posters are right on the money.

There are a couple of things that I will add, however.

First, I LOVE the 51 point autofocus. I don't care about stuff like face recognition (it sort of works) since I virtually always use a single focus point anyway...

What the 51 points gives me, however, is the ability to take that single focus point and choose the exact spot I want it to focus on, which in my case is generally the eye of a critter. With 51 focus points, spread out all over the place, I can find one that allows me to put the focus point exactly where I want it and still frame the image exactly right... I can use the continuous focusing and bang, I get fantastic auto-focusing results.

Another thing I have found is that the autofocus is a lot more accurate than on the D80. For one thing, the autofocus on my 105 VR Micro was useless on the D80, it hunted all the time. With the D300, it doesn't hunt any more... and since (again) can choose my focus spot with the 51 points, I can even use autofocus in macro if I want... although mostly I don't want to.

Let me sum it up, and put my thoughts on the D300 to rest. The image quality is fantastic, the image colors are amazing, the ability to not blow out highlights or lose shadow detail is freakish, and my lenses ALL resolve better on this than any other camera I have tried. The 51 point AF system is superb.

Put simply, if you can afford one, just go buy one.

To me, the only real choice that is difficult to make comes in if you can afford to buy a D3. If you can, THEN you need to stop and consider whether you need a D3 or D300.

If you can't, then buy a D300 (or, better yet, keep your present camera and buy fantastic glass... better glass will help your pictures more than anything).
Nice to see you threw the ol' 70-200 on there, beautiful lens, and beautiful body. In fact, I'd say my 70-200 is my favorite lens. And, of course, as a D300 user, I'm diggin' that body.

Congratulations, buddy.
I think tonight a bit of reading is in order.

Nah, I'm just gonna click away. Read the manual later.

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