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Cutest thing youll ever see.....


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2007
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This is my Mya.... 7 month old pug :lovey: Bored tonight with photographers block, so I used her!

Mya that is a very nice portrait of your dog. Nice work. :)
Lovely model!!!!

sorry i can't help it :lol:
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how can you have photographers block with a cutie like like wandering around.

shes great

and i thought mya was your name:)
I'm not a fan of pugs, and I don't see why so many girls think they're adorable, they look like they're wrinkled surprised little old men. However the shot is nice and the contrast is great for the texture of the dog. The pose is PERFECT!
I was starting to wonder, when I saw the title, how you got a picture of me...

But now I see that you have the second cutest thing you'll ever see in here...

Now, on to the dog, which yeah, is totally cute...I really like this shot. There is some weird stuff goin' on with the background, but I'm 99% sure that's related to the compression. And there is something a bit off about the eyes to me, does the dog have cataracts? I hope not... But those little quibbles aside, I really like the shot. It's really well done. Good stuff!
Shes a finicky model! She is expensive also, she drives a hard bargain, i almost ran out of bones to get her to pose for me ;) And no, my name isnt Mya, but I love her, hence my name "MyaLover" :) Thanks for all the feedback!

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