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Curly maple and macassar ebony wall hung cabinet

Don Kondra

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 11, 2007
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
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A recently completed commission to hold the clients amp, CD player and disks.

One speaker will sit on the top shelf and the other two on the side shelves.

It hangs on the wall via a french cleat.


Cheers, Don
lovely work! I love fine wood! :)
Very nice. Your half cut joints are perfect.
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when you said macassar, is that Makassar, Indonesia?
Thanks Charlie and Eric,

Robin > macassar is the species of wood, not the location although it is found in India and the East Indies.

FYI - Gaboon ebony is black through out and is what piano keys are made from, macassar ebony has brown streaks running through it...

Cheers, Don
Looks good. Love curly maple.

We almost share a last name except for the spelling (k vs c). Few and far between and never seen it spelled with a "k".
Looks good. Love curly maple.

We almost share a last name except for the spelling (k vs c). Few and far between and never seen it spelled with a "k".

Thanks Archer,

Kondra is a Ukrainian name, the story goes there was also Kondrashinsky's who dropped the "shinsky" when they got off the boat :)

Imbuia | The Wood Database - Lumber Identification (Hardwoods) I am right. It is from Makassar. My parents hometown in Indonesia.

You linked to the wrong wood species Robin but you are correct, sort of :)

Macassar ebony is named for the port city of Makassar on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

Cheers, Don
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Wow! Nice cabinet. Clean, and minimalist. I love it.

My grandfather was a master carpenter for a US Navy Contractor for 30+ years, so this is the kind of thing I can really appreciate. Find craftsmanship with your hands.
Oopss.. cut and paste from iPhone hahaah.

Looks good. Love curly maple.

We almost share a last name except for the spelling (k vs c). Few and far between and never seen it spelled with a "k".

Thanks Archer,

Kondra is a Ukrainian name, the story goes there was also Kondrashinsky's who dropped the "shinsky" when they got off the boat :)

Imbuia | The Wood Database - Lumber Identification (Hardwoods) I am right. It is from Makassar. My parents hometown in Indonesia.

You linked to the wrong wood species Robin but you are correct, sort of :)

Macassar ebony is named for the port city of Makassar on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

Cheers, Don
Nice work, looking at this gives me wood.

Don Kondra said:
Thanks Archer,

Kondra is a Ukrainian name, the story goes there was also Kondrashinsky's who dropped the "shinsky" when they got off the boat :)

Cheers, Don

Interesting. What little I've researched it, Condra is possibly derived from Condren and of English or Irish origins. They swapped the "en" for "a" when they got off the boat. :)
Very nicely made shelf. From a photo standpoint, it doesn't do it justice, the selection is a bit sloppy, and it is lacking the shadows that would give it definition and make it look realistic.

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