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cs3 vs raw d300/d700


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 14, 2007
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shortly i will be testing the above bodies at my local vendor.

I would rather test them in raw format and then convert; however, i don't think cs3 will convert.

Is this correct, or is it a matter of updating ACR in cs3 (or is that possible, since adobe has seen fit not to support that software anymore?)
I don't believe even the last version of ACR for CS3 is new enough to handle either of these two bodies. The best solution for your tests is to download the newest version of Adobe's DNG Converter.

The DNG Converter will convert proprietary camera specific RAW files, such as Nikon's .NEF, into Adobe's "standardized" RAW format, DNG. You PS/CS3's ACR will easily read the converted DNGs and present the full set of RAW conversion controls that you are used to in ACR. (for the lurkers out there, this will work with any app that can read DNG including PS as early as PS/CS with ACR v2.2 and higher and any PS Elements that accepts ACR provided it has v2.2 or higher)

If you are not a high volume shooter, this may be an acceptable permanant solution should you get a newer camera. It may also be a good time to either upgrade you PS to CS4 or to add Lightroom to your kit as the primary RAW conversion and management application, reserving PS for specialized editing. It all depends on the volume you shoot and the type of editing you find you commonly need.
thanks dwig

that was my best quess about cs3. I have it, but honestly i tend to use cs2 after converting as i am more familar with the "layout" or should i say comfortable.

nonetheless, my volume rate varies so i will do a bit of researching on the DNG convertor. frankly until recently i tended to use nikon editor . very basic, but am an old fashion traditional shooter and try to do everything in camera so i don't have to do a "fix".

however, with that said, there are times when creative manipulation can be a terrific outlet and addition.
While I haven't used it, Nikon's Capture NX2 is well though of. It would be another solution, working as a standalone very powerfult RAW converter that may handle most of your needs, with PS/CS2 or CS3 serving as the "special case" editor after conversion.

Capture NX2 and Lightroom are much the same class. Capture, though, is Nikon specific whereas Lightroom handles camera specific RAW files from multiple brands.

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