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Critique this one please


TPF Noob!
Jan 23, 2014
Reaction score
Marseille, France
Can others edit my Photos
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Hi all,

After reading critics on other threads here, I though I would submit the photo below:

What I like:
- Black & White "harsh"
- Clean & in focus
- Geometry

What can be a problem:
- Not enough sky ?
- No point of interest (apart from the stairs which could be "lost" within the photo) ?

Thank you

Nicely done.
The top of the building in the center goes too much too grey. I would increase the contrast of that part so that the structure remains prominent throughout its height
Nicely done.
The top of the building in the center goes too much too grey. I would increase the contrast of that part so that the structure remains prominent throughout its height

I will have to learn how to do that. My processing skills are very poor. I play with levels, crop and ... that's about it.
If you have any online tutorial you can recommand ;)

I agree with Lew here except I'd pump up the contrast throughout leaving the sky about where it is. I just feel it's a little dark and flat.
Overall-nice job
Agree with Rich and Lew. But I have something else here. Why don't you go back over there when the sun gonna be clear and on this side of the building ? Instead of boosting the contrast artificially you will have it right there and you will have much more 3D feeling to this fire escapes. It will be trickier shot, especially with the sky, you should try it with different filters effect to not to leave it white, but still in strong contrast with the edge of the building.
Thanks for all the useful comments. In terms of software I have Lightroom 5 (have had it for 10 days maybe).
And post processing will be easier (and cheaper) since I live thousands of kilometers from there ;)

I will try to play with the contrast to see what happens.


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