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Courthouse in Walden Co. - 7 stop HDR


TPF Noob!
Aug 18, 2011
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It was actualy 8pm when I shot it.. and the sun was behind it. Strongly backlit! A rather pretentious building for a small town (population 608)! The full 1024 image on Flickr looks a bit better than the upload to here does, so I left the link for any adventurous types! ;)


Walden Co Courthouse by CGipson Photography, on Flickr
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I like it overall, a little saturated, but that's to be expected with HDR. Definitely a nice sight.
It's a little bright for me, but still pretty cool. HDR's are fun to do and play with. For me anyway, lol.
Looks like the roof is leaning slighty to the left.
I like the shot, but it makes me wonder why HDR was needed.
I thought the whole point of HDR was to avoid things like blown out the sky.
I really like the image and the subject. Perhaps mask in a lower exposure in the blown upper right frame?

Yea.... this was a quickie. I shot of bunch of shots this weekend, and had about 10-15 minutes free last night to play with this one. It could be better... :)
I like the shot, but it makes me wonder why HDR was needed.
I thought the whole point of HDR was to avoid things like blown out the sky.

*PM.. backlit? The building itself was pretty dark, and had strong shadows... hence the HDR!
Looks like the roof is leaning slighty to the left.

I shot this at 20mm.. so there was some perspective distortion I had to correct. I might have missed that.. will check it when I get home.
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I checked perspective and angle on this shot.. and it all looks good. Here is a screen shot with the guides I checked it with....


Maybe one of these days I will redo the HDR stack, and darken that sky up a bit..

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