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Couple horse pics for review


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Old Town, ME
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Buddy of mine wanted me to shoot his horses. Here are a few I liked from it. Muddy day and background not really in bloom well, so to me they came out kinda...blah and boring. Took about 250 ish and maybe liked 10, here are a few I like.

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That's exactly what I was thinking as I left "man..horses are not cool to shoot, not photogenic" lol.

I was practicing, so I tried and used many different focal lengths and settings. I'd have to look at the exif to see what those were. I'm still learning so I use lots of settings and compare later as to what does what and what looks good. I am finding I use much less different "tries" nowadays though, which I think is a good thing.
Don't concentrate on head shots.

The best images I have taken of horses has been when I have engaged them in conversation and action, as they are quite curious animals when they trust you.
Horses look best in movement or full body with a background.

OH, any you might not want to state they you were asked to "shoot his horses" in those exact words ... some might take offence.
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lol @ shoot his horses, didn't even think of it that way.

It was a very rainy week, he invited me back to do more when he lets them out to pasture. I was hoping on that attempt to get some running and playing photos. Horses standing still are quite boring. I have never done moving animals before so it will be interesting to see if I get any good ones.
Keep on eye on where the sun is ... and anticipate where they are going to get the background just right.
I like shooting horses (with a camera ;)). They are beautiful creatures - just don't ask me to ride one.
I like #2 and #4.

I have some ultra wide shots, but I think my favorite lens to use is the 70-200 f/2.8.
Just like anything else, you need to capture them in good light. Morning light is nice. The light in your shots is quite harsh.
Also watch your backgrounds. It's no different that shooting people - blur the background for subject separation.

Not the best example (a little soft) but just to show what morning light can do:

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Yeah, we had to fix my fuel filter which ate up the morning sun, so it was mid day when I took the pics, so very very bright. Thanks for the tips.

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