Costa's hummingbird far from home

Bill in Texas

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Dec 31, 2023
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Texas USA
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This is a male Costa's hummingbird who has been in my yard for several days. Its range is the west coast of the United States and down into the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. I have been told this is the first sighting known this far east. I submitted a rare bird form on the bird. I'm not sure how long it will stay. The first sighting was last Thursday evening and I sat Friday morning before leaving on a camping trip for four days. I had no idea if it would still be around when I returned. I was thrilled when it was.

The bird is strictly on the flowers and doesn't come to a feeder. The temperature here is 29 degrees currently so my flowers will likely freeze back so we shall see.

Fantastic set of shots!!

Hopefully he will head down my way.
Great opportunity and very nice shots of it.

Sibley (2000) shows a green dot (= "rare") in southern Texas and New Mexico for this bird.
Wow, some very good photography ... 👍

Fantastic set of shots!!

Hopefully he will head down my way.

Great opportunity and very nice shots of it.

Sibley (2000) shows a green dot (= "rare") in southern Texas and New Mexico for this bird.

A beautiful set of images!
Thanks to all for the comments. A freeze overnight could have damaged the plants it is feeding on but didn't.

Ed, the bird is extremely rare here. One other sighting in Texas was far west Texas. Normal range below from Cornell University.


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