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Cool plane


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Old Town, ME
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I got out today to do some shooting with the new (borrowed) lens. This one actually came out decent, I am a bit proud of it considering the details. I was using a Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8 . Handheld, no VR, manual focus. So, as I am not used to this lens, this was tricky for me to get manual focus on a moving target. Most of what I got today was a bit on the soft side, but this lens is heavy and I'm not used to it so there was a bit of camera shake/motion blur in most of my stuff making it a bit soft.

200mm f/5 1/1000
Spot meter, manual focus

anyway...here's my plane.

Good shot, excellent exposure for something against the sky like that.

You can get a ride in that airplane if you want to, it's registered to Biplane Rides Over The Atlantic, Inc.
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That would explain why it circled around a few times, lol.

Thanks for the kudos
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Maybe when I borrow a 10-22 with VR i'll take a ride. :-)
But, doesn't it look like one of those single seaters? Maybe two seater, back and front?
It's a Waco 2-seater, one behind the other with the passenger normally in front.
Do it! We took a 45 minute twilight ride over dallas, was awesome! And not expensive!

Internet Forum Credo: Pix, or it never happened! :lol:

For the record. . . I want to never be doubted again!

Unedited and out of focus. So don't judge me! Another point to mention. . . this was a total surprise for me! I had no idea I was going to be flying over dallas, and I was a bit nervous (shaky hands). Happy birthday flight to me:

For the record. . . I want to never be doubted again!

Unedited and out of focus. So don't judge me! Another point to mention. . . this was a total surprise for me! I had no idea I was going to be flying over dallas, and I was a bit nervous (shaky hands). Happy birthday flight to me:
Everyplace is gorgeous at night and Cessna 172's are really fun airplanes. Everyone is nervous at first though, flying is not a natural act ;)
I recognize that first scene very well. I lived in Texas for about 6 years.
I'm sure ya could backdoor. I mean pinkdoor.
of course. :-)

I don't mind though...they still call me that at work even now.

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