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Considering making switch to Lightroom CC - my first experiences.


TPF Noob!
Dec 6, 2017
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London, UK
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Hey all, wrote an article about my initial experiences switching over from Lightroom Classic to the new cloud-based Lightroom CC. It would be interesting to hear people's experience...

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It was interesting reading about all the storage issues you had and thus going to a clean install. FYI, I store my LR Classic catalog and files on an external drive, so I can use multiple computers (I have kids) for LR Classic. And with so many TPF users talking about Curves I spent some time learning them, so I use it quite frequently now. Seeing that it is lacking in CC is disturbing. But at this point I don't do this as a profession and don't see a need to upgrade unless I buy a new camera that is not in the profile (and then there are other options).

Unfortunately, as one gets older many loose their eye sights contrast ability. I've found this true for myself. Using light grey on white can make it harder for some of the older population, such as myself to read, so I have to highlight sections as I read. But I do clearly see certain phrases in regular black on white background. FYI, I do have my Windows set up to show the best contrast and larger text.
Thanks for the feedback - readability is obviously a really important issue if I am going to be blogging on technical issues; I wasn't really aware of the contrast issue but will have a look a darkening the text a little.

I also used the portable drive solution for working between computers, which I may still go with, though I really don't like carting around a portable drive with my whole catalog of images while traveling. The curves thing is definitely and issue, but I am presuming that will make it into the updates, but we will see.

Thanks for reading :)
And with so many TPF users talking about Curves I spent some time learning them, so I use it quite frequently now. Seeing that it is lacking in CC is disturbing.

Like you I have resisted going to the cloud version. I didn't know they had dropped some tools in the cloud version, makes me even more resistant to using it now.
You're welcome to post the article, in it's entirety here, however TPF policy prohibits link-backs to personal material in this manner.
Sorry, new to the forum, should have read your terms more carefully. I believe trackbacks are healthy for the community but understand why you would ban them.

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