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Cities in Germany

Thanks for the very positive feedback so far guys. :)

Left Heilbronn around lunch time to glorious sunshine that remained with us whe we got to Nuremberg.

Got to our hotel and my room has a balcony with a view to the castle which is a mile's walk away

Pentax 645D FA 400mm f/5.6 at f/13 and 1/250 ISO 320

Nuremberg CAstle from 1km away by singingsnapper, on Flickr

I took a stroll up to the castle to grab some evening shots as and after the sun set:

Pentax 645D FA 33 - 55mm at 33mm and f/16 4 exposures

Evening from Nuremberg Castle by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Nuremberg TV tower

Pentax 645D FA 400mm f/5.6 at f/8 and 1/25

Nuremberg TV tower silhouetted in the evening sky by singingsnapper, on Flickr

A waning full moon on show so I grabbed my tripod and my 400mm lens

Pentax 645D FA 400mm at f/11 and 1/125 ISO 400

Moon above Nuremberg by singingsnapper, on Flickr
Very nice shots you got there man thanks for sharing!!!!!! Did you get any of the holicost memorial in Berlin while you were there?
Thanks - I've been to Berlin several times but not treally photographed the holocaust memorial very much.
Pityt I can't make this any bigger on flickr, but for this pano of Chemnitz from my hotel's roof garden is 12 shots with the Pentax 645D and FA 120 f/4 all shots at f/16 and 1/4 sec. The full file is too big for a .tif file at 4.8 GB. It took 3 hours to process on my MacBook pro.

chemnitz panorama by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Took a walk down to local lake as the afternoon turned into evening:

Pentax 645D FA 120 converted to black and white on silver efex

Chemnitz autumn leaves by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Pentax 645D FA 120 f/11 25 secs ISO 320

parochial reflections by singingsnapper, on Flickr
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Another panorama this time from Koblenz -

Pentax 645D FA 120 f/4 @ f/13 1/10 11 shots merged in CS5

Koblenz panaroma by singingsnapper, on Flickr
This is a two shot stitch in CS5 and also using fusion in Photomatix. It's the Bridge over the Mosel (the other pano being the Rhine) in Koblenz

Pentax 645D FA 120 f/4 at f/11

Mosel bridge by singingsnapper, on Flickr

The River police are out!

Pentax 645D FA400 at f/5.6 1/400 ISO 250

River police on the rhine by singingsnapper, on Flickr
Mannheim's main sight is the watertower. This is a nightview of it and the Christmas market.

Pentax 645D FA 33-55mm f/4.5 at f/13 and 30 secs ISO 100

mnnheim watertower night by singingsnapper, on Flickr

I got even more funny looks when I stood at the pedestrian refuge taking photos of the tramlines and the trams. Every other person was asking whether I was a photographer for the local paper
I converted this to Black and white in Silver efex

Pentax 645D FA 120f/4 at f/16 and 13 secs

Trams in Mannheim by singingsnapper, on Flickr

After I strolled around the Christmas markets went to the back of the square by the Rosengarten with this view of the fair

Pentax 645D FA 120 at f/16 and 8 secs

The wihnachtsmarkt in full swing by singingsnapper, on Flickr
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Am on a quick trip to the beautiful city of Cologne in Germany. Took a stroll in the cold after dinner to the Rhine where there is a great view over the river of the rail bridge and the Cathedral:

Pentax 645D FA 75 f/11 25 secs ISO 125

Cologne-2 by singingsnapper, on Flickr

The row of lights attracted me on the way back as I approached the Dom

Pentax 645D FA 33 - 55 at 33mm f/11 and 30 secs ISO 100

cologne dom-2 by singingsnapper, on Flickr
Back in Germany over the weekend, this time in Wiesbaden where we had wonderful weather and 30 degrees!

There is a stunning venue called the Kurhouse right in the middle of the city and either side of the Kurhouse were two collobnades, one is a casino, the other a row of shops.

Canon 5D mk III EF 24 - 70 at 24mm and f/11 1/40 ISO 250 converted in silver efex:

wiesbaden-collonade by singingsnapper, on Flickr

Inside the Kurhouse itself there was a sweet postcard box:

Canon 24 - 70L at 52mm and f/8 1/40 ISO 1250

Post-card-box by singingsnapper, on Flickr

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