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CIPA Numbers for 2024 Look OK


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Oct 21, 2016
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I just looked at the CIPA (camera mfrs assoc) numbers for 2024 up to November and they look ok. The year is beating 2022, 2023 and 2024. The yearly summary is posted roughly in the following February.

Here is a partial link: "CIPA - Camera & Imaging Products Association: Statistics"

Correction: Above I meant "2021, 2022 and 2024", not "2022, ...".
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FYI Late 2024 data not available till 1/25. Curious how you quantify "OK."
I corrected my typo regarding the dates. As for quantifying "OK", click on the link and look at the graphs yourself.
CIPA numbers are now available for the whole of year 2024. December 2024 numbers dropped almost identically as they did in 2023.

Feb 11, 2025:
I finally got a chance to look at the numbers in detail. As I implied above ("OK"), the numbers look better than 2023 and 2022, but not indicative of big growth. The most basic numbers are:

Digital Still Camera
pieces 8,365,303 (%increase 106.3)
value (Yen) 501,384,012 (114.9)

Shipped Worldwide
pieces 8,490,227 (110.0)
value (Yen) 824,754,040 (115.5)

The "pieces" numbers indicate that the increase cameras made only grew by 6.3% and shipped grew by 10.0%. The discrepancy between production and shipped might have been due to deliberate over production the year before, hoping for sales for the Olympics. The Yen increase discrepancy is more than I expected. The value of the Yen dropping compared to the US$ is not unusual historically, but I thought that Japan had done better in 2024. Then again, it also might reflect the mix of actual cameras.

Camera w/ Interchangeable Lens (Shipped Worldwide)
(Seems to be Digital only?)
SLR 997,608 (85.6% *down)
Mirrorless 5,612,205 (116.1%)
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