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Cinder Cones


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2006
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Cinder Cones National Natural Landmark

The skyline of Cima Dome is interrupted by the conical outlines of dozens of remarkably well-preserved volcanic cinder cones and black basalt lava flows. The earliest began about 7.6 million years ago and eruptions continued until at least 10,000 years ago, near the end of the most recent ice age.

If the recent age of the erruptions is accurate, this could be a partial explanation as to why paleo-indians, who lived in the Mojave Desert area 10-15,000 years ago appear to have left for a period of several hundred to a thousand years or so. Life would have been a bit too vicarious trying to survive a rain of rocks.



Hi Ab.
Have you changed the way you sharpen your images recently? I seem to be getting a salt and peppered effect from the last couple.

These are nice documentary shots but they lack the wow factor that you're able to collect. The colours remind me of old 70s & 80s print, not bad, just not with the wow factor.
Hi Ab.
Have you changed the way you sharpen your images recently? I seem to be getting a salt and peppered effect from the last couple.

These are nice documentary shots but they lack the wow factor that you're able to collect. The colours remind me of old 70s & 80s print, not bad, just not with the wow factor.

Could be a few things with the sharpening- Been working more with USM and resizing, then using sharpen filter. Need to make it more of a second nature. Also been working with shadow/highlights more.

These were taken a few years ago and I'm finally getting them ready for documentation shots for the geology pages I'm working on for my website. They look pretty good 'little-tiny' on the site at 380x??? I rush through them (meh-).

Here's another;

I'm planning another trip through the area in a few weeks and hoping to work out some sunrise/sunset -art- shots then. Problem is that there's a place I need to be mid-day to get a good shot (underground, but natural light). Hmm, I'll work it out, maybe make two trips.

Very excited right now. Get to pick up my "Tractor", in a few hours. I miss it.



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