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Cinder cone, Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawai'i


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Apr 11, 2007
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If that hill wasn't in the way... Oh my goodness, the view. Love the capture. Those clouds look so yummy.
cool place, strange pic, too foggy and crooked as said above. it's also very saturated!
Maybe if you made the hill bw and kept the blue of the sky.
It's not crooked, it's a cinder cone on the side of a volcano... volcanos are not actually flat, then tend to be higher at the top and lower at the bottom.

I hear most mountains tend to be that way.
I hear most horizonts tend to be this way:

it's crooked ......
Did any of you thinking it's crooked bother to look at the vertical growth of the trees?

I thought not. :grumpy:

Nice one Sabbath. :thumbsup:
3 feet back from my monitor I thought the mountain in the background was the ocean, so I too thought it was crooked at first.

Makes this a good pic for deception :lol:

Does seem quite over saturated though.
i thought it was the ocean too! i withdrow all of my words ^^
I like oversaturation, but the glowy effect probably doesn't fit the subject. My motto for intense post-processing is either go all the way with HDR-esque craziness, or stick to realism. By realism I mean classic landscape photography stuff like contrasty B&W's shot at minute apertures or nicely saturated colors.
i dont like it cause it makes my head hurt. i need a wider view to wrap my head around the geometry. and i agree with others about the glowy effect being frustrating. the lines are cool... freaking me out though.... shudder.

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