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Cigarettes C&C


TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2012
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West Midlands
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
These won't be deemed as offensive will they?
Also, will I get flamed for starting various threads with my pictures or should I keep them in one thread?
Here's a couple I took when I was bored at home.

Yep more then one thread is ok. :)
That's good then, on the car thread I frequently use, they moan about numerous threads!
Yep I'm on an art forum and we get one thread and have to reply to our thread to bump, but we can change the title of the thread to announce a new drawing.
For me the shallow DoF is overdone.
I get you, would a longer range of focus work better?
You're the photographer, YOU have to decide what works. Without meaning to sound rude, you strike as someone relatively new to photography who has fallen into the trap that almost everyone does, who has a serious interest, that is: Trying to be artsy without understanding the basics. I'm guessing that a package of cigarettes probably doesn't hold a lot of deep meaning for you, so take five minutes and think of something that does, then, go out and try to capture that meaning in a photograph. It doesn't have to be fancy, dark, or anything. Just a nice shot - think about what the subject of the photograph is, and what message you want us to take from that photograph.
For me the shallow DoF is overdone.
I get you, would a longer range of focus work better?
You're the photographer, YOU have to decide what works. Without meaning to sound rude, you strike as someone relatively new to photography who has fallen into the trap that almost everyone does, who has a serious interest, that is: Trying to be artsy without understanding the basics. I'm guessing that a package of cigarettes probably doesn't hold a lot of deep meaning for you, so take five minutes and think of something that does, then, go out and try to capture that meaning in a photograph. It doesn't have to be fancy, dark, or anything. Just a nice shot - think about what the subject of the photograph is, and what message you want us to take from that photograph.

I understand what you mean, I do have an up close shot of my Grandad, that means a lot to me, maybe I will post it for some critique, I think i'm going to like it on this forum :D
dof feels to shallow in both photos. i like what you were going for on the first one though.

remember to # your images. makes it easier for folks to comment.

on that note... these things will kill you and those around you. i recommend quitting. NOW!!!

(it's not obvious that i'm a reformed ex smoker is it? :D just had my five year anniversary smoke free)
dof feels to shallow in both photos. i like what you were going for on the first one though.

remember to # your images. makes it easier for folks to comment.

on that note... these things will kill you and those around you. i recommend quitting. NOW!!!

(it's not obvious that i'm a reformed ex smoker is it? :D just had my five year anniversary smoke free)

I was going to number them, but I thought for 2 pictures it would look like im trying to be funny, I will next time. I am on the road to quitting and well done man!
For me the shallow DoF is overdone.
I get you, would a longer range of focus work better?
Without meaning to sound rude, you strike as someone relatively new to photography who has fallen into the trap that almost everyone does, who has a serious interest, that is: Trying to be artsy without understanding the basics.

Yep. The best advice someone gave me was stop trying to do "unique" close ups, stop trying to be original and just focus on creating compositionally/exposure correct photos full, complete photos to begin with! For me Landscapes have been a great practice tool!!! When you learn to paint you don't start off trying to paint the mona lisa, you first have to learn how to paint a nose, eyes etc. After a while you will finally have trained your eye and will be able to differentiate between a "random unique snaphot close up" and an actual complete photograph when you do decide to do a close up. Now the trick will be when you're further along to break away from compositional guidelines. The guidelines are great, but part of photography is learning when use them and break them and after a while they can become a crutch lol.

Finding a message is good too, but the message can be as simple as documenting texture or color to the best of your ability.

I personally don't mind the shallow DOF, because I don't think it was a mistake, it's obviously what you were going for. Extremely shallow DOF is another trap we noobs fall into as well.
Blackrose, where did you get your art education?

Just relaying what has personally worked for me both now and in the past with sketching.

Nope no formal art education. I taught myself to sketch through many "how to" books. I am in art school as of right now, but merely to learn how to use tools to the best of my abilities. Art is subjective. I take in art and choose to view it as I please. I have no interest in attending art school for theory and such just to have someone I don't know tell me how I should feel about and shouldn't feel about art. I'd rather judge and choose for myself. If that makes me ignorant so be it ;)

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