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Cicada Killer


TPF Noob!
Aug 18, 2007
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Northern Va
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A very cool and BIG wasp!!

Wow...stunning picture:thumbup:
I dont know how i missed this one...i dont miss a single pic from you:wink:
WOW!! that thing is kinda big if u compare the proportions of it with the plants... nice photo btw
thanks guys. I think he is around an inch long. Very big. These guys kill Cicadas and carry them to holes in the ground where they lay eggs in the Cicada. The eggs hatch and the larvae feed on the Cicada. Got to love parasitic insects.

I sat for hours by a couple holes waiting to get a shot of one with a Cicada, but it didn't work out.
Awsome, I never get tired of looking at your pictures. I look every day to see if you have any new post.
Are these the bugs that only come out every 17 years or so, or is my mind screwing up?

Great capture, nonetheless.
no, you're thinking of the 17 year Cicada. These guys eat those for breakfast :)

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