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CF Cards hard to find and expensive.


TPF Noob!
Jun 27, 2011
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Hi everyone, it's been quite sometime since I last posted here but here goes:1219:
I'm using a Canon 5D mIII and unfortunately have had my bag containing my CF cards stolen somewhat reciently so I'm looking to replace them but have found that they're quite difficult to find and expensive ( retired and trying to save ). My questions are :
1) is there a SD to CF card adaptor and should I consider this or
2) just use fast SD cards or
3) suck it up and pay for CF cards?
I'm living in Singapore but have yet to go out to check the IT stores and can't find much info online. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give:1251::1251:
There are adapters
HOWEVER..... I have tried 2 in my 50d and both got stuck
So I would say do not use adapter
Look on amazon warehouse for cards
Hope this helps
I've seen them go on steep sales on Amazon at various times. Amazon Day - perhaps Black Friday in the USA and around Christmas/New Years sales.

Adaptors can work, but they might also slow the writing speed to the card so you'd get lower performance than ideal from the card. Since adaptors are mostly made so that you can read or write data off a card to the computer, rather than to a camera, speed of reading/writing isn't a prime feature people are after.
Suck it up and buy CF, that's what your cameras designed to work with and it does so pretty well. Messing around with memory isn't really worth it as you can loose shots that you'll never be able to reproduce.

I had a quick look and prices in Singapore look a bit dear, they seem much cheaper in the USA or UK (there are decent 8-16GB cards under £50 in the UK at least). Have you considered ordering from overseas? If you are in the East already you may even be able to get some good prices from China if you can find an OEM retailer.

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