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Cemetery Photos - two shoots - image heavy-ish


TPF Noob!
Apr 19, 2006
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Florida, USA
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I love this little cemetery! It's Mt. Thabor Cemetery in Crystal Lake, IL and it's very old. The first time I went was May 29, 2006. I went again yesterday, June 19, 2006.

These are from the first shoot, 5-29. I thought they were the best of that bunch, and my favorites.

I can tell you any setting numbers, etc. if you would like. :) I'm not sure why some are different sizes. Ahhh, Photobucket, lol.











Here are some from the second shoot, 6-19. My favorites. :)



















Here is the link to the rest:

you know..... the b+w ones would fit in great at the darkside gallery......;) .... i like em tho...... number 3 is well composed...... seems like you guys get alot of room over there huh?!..... the cems over here are alot more 'packed in'...... tfs :D
Archangel said:
you know..... the b+w ones would fit in great at the darkside gallery......;) .... i like em tho...... number 3 is well composed...... seems like you guys get alot of room over there huh?!..... the cems over here are alot more 'packed in'...... tfs :D


The "modern" cemeteries are more crowded; this one is very old!

I wasn't sure if they were "creepy enough" for Dark Side, lol.
yea some of these are creepy enough....... like the first one..... if you increase the contrast a bit and make it....... well...... 'darker'!...... it starts to look more sinister!...... or you could just play around with it untill you get a look to your liking....... something you could try on a rainy day perhaps ;)
Archangel said:
yea some of these are creepy enough....... like the first one..... if you increase the contrast a bit and make it....... well...... 'darker'!...... it starts to look more sinister!...... or you could just play around with it untill you get a look to your liking....... something you could try on a rainy day perhaps ;)

Im a bit of a "purist" with photos, but I think I will play. ;-) Thanks!
Very cool. Gotta agree with Archy..some of these can be darksiders. Lovin these shot tho.
And here we are in Good Ol' Germany, where you would expect history to knock on your door everywhere if you are in The New World (I would assume), and I am having the hardest of time to find myself really OLD cemeteries, other than the famous ones in the big cities. And you live in the States and find treasures such as this one in the middle of the countryside. :scratch: Amazing.

I really like your Photo 3, and I like all the combination photos of cemetery and surrounding landscape. Lovely skies you had for your excursions!

And it is quite surprising to see how much space there is between one grave and the next ... yes, I understand that the modern graveyards are less spacy, but still ...
I agree with Archangel about the first one. Those were my exact thoughts. I was happily scared looking at #12 and 14, with the dark doorway and the lighter portion of those pics on the right side. #13 is a little darker than 12 but practically the came composition, but I prefer 12 because if you're going for and "old" look, the lighter one does it for me, not looking as "realistic", you know? (think old Galena-type photos)

S ;)
Definitely some darkside material here. I like the B&W shots and I think in general they lend that dark and sinister look you can't get with color. Nice shots and cool cemetery.
Are you near St Louis at all? I'm in St Charles (just west) and have shot a few cems around here. The coolest I've found is in Alton, IL!

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