Canon R5 "No Picture"


TPF Supporters
Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Don't know what setting got changed but the last two times I tried to download photos to my computer a white page appears with the words "No Picture". I've had to remove the card and put it in a card reader. What happened and what's the remedy?
Do you have to most up to date firmware installed in the camera?
I'm not sure. How do I check?
It tells you on setup screen page 6 at the bottom.
I have since learned the problem is with the Mac update to Ventura.
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Not sure what the problem is but I always use a card reader to move images vs plug in the camera to my MacBook. The only time I do that is when I am shooting tethered.

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