Canon 550D and external flashes


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Jun 16, 2015
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I have a Canon 550D and external flashes of various models Yongnou etc used to work.
The flashes still do work with a Canon 90D.
However with the Canon550D they don't
a) it says external flash not compatible or power turned off
b) the flash sometimes flashes and sometimes doesn't -the power is very variable which obviously is not good.
The camera flash does still work

Can anyone suggest a fix?
Thanks in advance
I have a Canon 550D and external flashes of various models Yongnou etc used to work.
The flashes still do work with a Canon 90D.
However with the Canon550D they don't
a) it says external flash not compatible or power turned off
b) the flash sometimes flashes and sometimes doesn't -the power is very variable which obviously is not good.
The camera flash does still work

Can anyone suggest a fix?
Thanks in advance
Contact Yongnuo support.
The flashes work with other cameras.
The flashes work with other cameras.
So you have noted - that doesn't mean they're compatible with every camera, especially an almost 13 year old model. That said, it does seems that they ought to at least fire, so there could very well be a malfunction with the 550D. I would ask Yongnuo first, Canon service next. Good luck!
So you have noted - that doesn't mean they're compatible with every camera, especially an almost 13 year old model. That said, it does seems that they ought to at least fire, so there could very well be a malfunction with the 550D. I would ask Yongnuo first, Canon service next. Good luck!
But they were compatible in July with my 550D so it is implies something wrong with the camera. Sadly Canon service would not be economic.
But they were compatible in July with my 550D so it is implies something wrong with the camera. Sadly Canon service would not be economic.
Okay, if you had said at first that they used to work, my response would have been different. Sounds like you are just playing with us, rather than actually asking for help. I apologize for trying to assist you.
Okay, if you had said at first that they used to work, my response would have been different. Sounds like you are just playing with us, rather than actually asking for help. I apologize for trying to assist you.
I said in the original post

"I have a Canon 550D and external flashes of various models Yongnou etc used to work."
Sorry for not being clearer.
I should have said
"I have a Canon 550D and external flashes of various models Yongnou etc used to work with it but now don't".
Although I think my post could have been clearer it was still clear enough.
I did actually use the words "used to work".
PS I should have said that it all started after I removed the dual flash to go on holiday - I wonder if something got slightly damaged in the process but nothing visible.
I said in the original post

"I have a Canon 550D and external flashes of various models Yongnou etc used to work."
Sorry for not being clearer.
I should have said
"I have a Canon 550D and external flashes of various models Yongnou etc used to work with it but now don't".
Although I think my post could have been clearer it was still clear enough.
I did actually use the words "used to work".
Ignore him. I do, he's a rude, poisonous individual.
PS I should have said that it all started after I removed the dual flash to go on holiday - I wonder if something got slightly damaged in the process but nothing visible.
Indeed you did say they used to work with the old camera - please forgive me for missing that. Looks like your options are to either have the old camera repaired or use it without flash. Good luck!
Indeed you did say they used to work with the old camera - please forgive me for missing that. Looks like your options are to either have the old camera repaired or use it without flash. Good luck!
Hopefully there is a way to fix this without it getting repaired.
Ignore him. I do, he's a rude, poisonous individual.
Rather than stupidly attacking me, perhaps you could add something of intelligence to the OPs issue?

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