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Canon 10D - right for me? Used: how much $?


TPF Noob!
Nov 20, 2007
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Coney Island in Brooklyn, US
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What do/did you think about the Canon 10D? Any comments appreciated!

It would be my first dslr, and I want to focus on fashion/beauty and portraiture while I practice. I'm friends with a pro who hasn't shot his 10D in a few years and he casually mentioned he'd sell it. Body and second grip but no lenses. I asked him about price, but he hadn't really thought about a number yet. After a quick google search I was thinking of trying to get it for around $300...could I go lower/should I go higher? While cost is a factor and I'm trying to stay under $500 (for used equip), if there are better options out there (in terms of cost and/or performance) I am open to suggestions!
are any lenses included? The 20D is a huge step up from the 10D, and can be found used for less than $500.
I still have a 10D and also still enjoy using it.. there quiet shutter is nice color is good the newer ones are better and all that but for a first cam its a work horse ,ive realy been trying to kill my first copy i bought ,This is a link to some images i just took with it ,case you want to see what it can realy do ..


I would think maybe try to get him down to 250.00 ,see if he will let it go ~
One problem with the 10D, is that it's not compatible with EF-S lenses.

I agree with Keith, I'd look for a used 20D instead...it's a much better camera.

That being said, if you can get a great deal on that 10D, it's still a pretty good camera. $300 would be the max I would pay...so try for less.
I have no problem with my 10D. It does what I need it to do and I got it for 300 bucks.

The only difference between the 20D and the 10D for the most part is the ability of the 20D to use EF-S lenses, and it has a couple more MP.

I think when I want to step up from this camera, I'll invest in a 5D.

Look at my flickr, all my stuff is done with a 10D.

EDIT- Forgot to say that many people at my campus consider the 10D to be a better camera than the 20D. Sure, less MP, but a handful of students here swear it has a better build quality, and is just a tougher camera in general. Canon put a lot of time and money into the 10D, the 20D was just a revision of it and even it has its oversights.
I have no problem with my 10D. It does what I need it to do and I got it for 300 bucks.

The only difference between the 20D and the 10D for the most part is the ability of the 20D to use EF-S lenses, and it has a couple more MP.

I think when I want to step up from this camera, I'll invest in a 5D.

Look at my flickr, all my stuff is done with a 10D.

There are a few more differences. A decent write-up can be found here: http://jimdoty.com/Digital/10d_20d/10d_20d.html
There are a couple flaws in that writeup-

The 10D has seven AF points, starts up in about a second and a half, and actually has more than a 9 frame buffer.

nice catch!
Forgot to say that many people at my campus consider the 10D to be a better camera than the 20D. Sure, less MP, but a handful of students here swear it has a better build quality, and is just a tougher camera in general. Canon put a lot of time and money into the 10D, the 20D was just a revision of it and even it has its oversights.

I don't agree...but it's not a big deal, the 10D is still a very capable camera.. :)

I think the 20D was a rather large step up from the 10D.
thanks for all the great advice...

I'm borrowing the camera for the weekend, we still haven't talked price, and I get the feeling I might be able to get it pretty cheap (especially now when I start talking about the 20D)...if that's the case, I'll be able to think about a better body in the summer.

I'll keep you posted and look forward to a few new photo posts too.
thanks for all the great advice...

I'm borrowing the camera for the weekend, we still haven't talked price, and I get the feeling I might be able to get it pretty cheap (especially now when I start talking about the 20D)...if that's the case, I'll be able to think about a better body in the summer.

I'll keep you posted and look forward to a few new photo posts too.

Know that both are great cameras though. You'll do fine with either. If it's a matter of money, just get the 10D as cheap as possible.

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