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Canon 10-22mm on 40D ?


TPF Noob!
Oct 31, 2007
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Hey, like the title says, I'd like to know if that lens fits my 40D !?

I read a lot about people here using it on their rebels but nothing about the 40D. I'm pretty sure it fits but before putting it definitely on my wish-list for x-mas I think I'm better of asking again...:D

It will definatly fit, but it's not built for digital cropped sensors so it's effectivly a 16-35mm on your 40D.
Sigma do the 10-20mm DC which is designed for digital cropped sensors.
I'm not sure if Canon do an APS-C wide angle.
It will definatly fit, but it's not built for digital cropped sensors so it's effectivly a 16-35mm on your 40D.
Sigma do the 10-20mm DC which is designed for digital cropped sensors.
I'm not sure if Canon do an APS-C wide angle.

The Canon 10-22mm is an EF-S lens, which means it is designed for APS-C sensors (it won't cover full frame as the image circle is too small).

Also, any 10-22mm lens (wether designed for APS-C sensors or full frame) will be equivalent to 16-35mm on a 40D in terms of field of view, when compared to full frame (24x36mm).
Great lens :thumbsup:
It is a great Lens, one on my list of to dos, However if the 5D appears during Xmas time, I may skip it.
I shot with that lens on my 20D for 10 minutes and LOVED it, I had to give it back to the kind man that let me see it but I LOVED it so much.It'll definitely fit and you'll definitely love it. It's next after I save up for the 70-200 I want.

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