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Can anyone suggest me best DSLR ?

Porsche 911 Turbo S of curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody knows that :)
And if anyone tells you Mercedes, BMW, Bently........etc then they are wrong :)
Why would you curse at a Porsche ??
or is that a new model ?
Ah English my friend, makes no difference how long I live in Canada it will always be my second language :)
The sad part is that I am not practising my mother tongue so much in writing so I have spelling mistakes there too :(
When I was shooting with Majeed back in 2013, I was muchly impressed by the way the Canon 70D handled in the field, and its overall, total feature set. Virtual horizon line, good live view focusing, live view exposure simulation, touch screen, the whole nine yards. It has a TON of great body features.

The one thing (other than a better sensor - yes I said it damnit :) ) I wish it would have had was an expanded focus cluster. Single surrounded by 4 others.
Porsche 911 Turbo S of curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everybody knows that :)
And if anyone tells you Mercedes, BMW, Bently........etc then they are wrong :)
Why would you curse at a Porsche ??
or is that a new model ?
Ah English my friend, makes no difference how long I live in Canada it will always be my second language :)
The sad part is that I am not practising my mother tongue so much in writing so I have spelling mistakes there too :(
ooh curse !! .. I mean .. of course !! :)
at is the best Digital SLR camera available at this moment? I know there are numerous extraordinary cameras nowadays, yet what is the highest point of the line, with the best audits, best value, best general nature of photos and video and all that awesome stuff. I figure there's a present pioneer in SLR cameras and I was pondering what ones could in all likelihood be the most elite?
Did you suddenly chance upon a lot of money?
The best for me is the D810 though some would argue that the D4s is better.
If you're Canon inclined, the 5DSR is popular and some like the 1Dx.
at is the best Digital SLR camera available at this moment? I know there are numerous extraordinary cameras nowadays, yet what is the highest point of the line, with the best audits, best value, best general nature of photos and video and all that awesome stuff. I figure there's a present pioneer in SLR cameras and I was pondering what ones could in all likelihood be the most elite?

No such thing and there probably never will be.
It's like asking "What's the best car?".
Oh that's an easy one.
Tesla P85D
That'll probably change with the next gen 5D, 1D etc.
The Canon 70D is approx the equivalent of the Nikon D7200, so I examined it closer.

The Nikon D5500 is also a "noob" camera. Still, touchscreen + flipscreen is something I would want on "higher" DSLRs, too.
Bare in mind that re: picture quality, resolution and high ISO performance, even the entry level D3300 is currently better then the 70D and 7D markII.
The D7200 is probably the best value crop sensor DSLR out there and most will never need a better body if paired with good lenses.

If I didn't have a bunch of Canon gear, that's what I'd base my new setup around.
Dangit Derrel, shouldn't you be watching the Ducks or something :)

yes, the Canon 7D2 may be the "best" DSLR but for ducks anything will suffice
All the cameras can be the "best", the problem is defining what is "better".
I thik its Nikon D3300. Because its very genuine camera with high definition clarity.
at is the best Digital SLR camera available at this moment? I know there are numerous extraordinary cameras nowadays, yet what is the highest point of the line, with the best audits, best value, best general nature of photos and video and all that awesome stuff. I figure there's a present pioneer in SLR cameras and I was pondering what ones could in all likelihood be the most elite?
Some great answers here, many wonderful selections. The choice of a camera is a very personal choice. Remember this is going to be your "best friend" until you replace it. IMHO the best camera is one that meets just 2 criteria.
It does well what you will be shooting, but more importantly when you hold it, it is a perfect fit for your hand. Not too big, not too heavy, or too light.

Some stores will let you borrow a camera for a day or two, just leave a deposit - or rent one. Whatever you choose - take memories cards for all potential cameras. Before you buy, take photos saved on your cards home (obviously all the same items or subjects - be sure t0 shoot a LOT and all the types of pics you will be taking, different; speeds, iso's etc.), and see what they look like both on the computer and printed after editing. Also print without editing - you doing want to buy a camera that always require a lot of editing.
If you have an editing program like Paint Shop Pro (most of the power of PS with a very easy learning curve). Use it consistently with all photos, so you can compare apples to apples.

Hope that helps!

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