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Camera repair prices - Was I robbed?


TPF Noob!
Dec 8, 2022
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I wasn't sure how to word the thread title, but basically I took a few of my cameras in last week to get repaired to this camera shop that is within driving distance to me. Yesterday they got back to me with the cost of the repair prices. The prices were very steep in my opinion. But maybe the prices are just average, or decent? I'd like to know others' input.

I took in a Canon AE-1 Program that had "camera cough" (I would've called it shutter squeak, but that's what the guy working there called it. Also, apparently Canon's are notorious for this type of problem) and they also said the lens needed cleaning as there were bug eggs around the inside of the lens. The repair price in total was over 200 dollars.

My Bronica ETRS had problems advancing film. I had to take in some negatives that were from the camera so they could properly diagnose what the problem was. Eventually, I was told it wasn't the camera itself, but the film back unit was cracked, and that's what was causing the film advancing problems. It needed to be replaced/repaired. That was also well over 200 dollars.

And lastly my Minolta XG-7 had light leaks and a loose winding knob, and that was just under 200.

I've used Garry's Camera repair before, but I wanted to try out the new place because it was within driving distance to me and thought maybe the turn around time would be faster. But nope, they quoted me at 4-6 weeks :culpability:
I kinda feel like I've been had. But are these prices and turn around time "fair" in others' opinion?
I wasn't sure how to word the thread title, but basically I took a few of my cameras in last week to get repaired to this camera shop that is within driving distance to me. Yesterday they got back to me with the cost of the repair prices. The prices were very steep in my opinion. But maybe the prices are just average, or decent? I'd like to know others' input.

I took in a Canon AE-1 Program that had "camera cough" (I would've called it shutter squeak, but that's what the guy working there called it. Also, apparently Canon's are notorious for this type of problem) and they also said the lens needed cleaning as there were bug eggs around the inside of the lens. The repair price in total was over 200 dollars.

My Bronica ETRS had problems advancing film. I had to take in some negatives that were from the camera so they could properly diagnose what the problem was. Eventually, I was told it wasn't the camera itself, but the film back unit was cracked, and that's what was causing the film advancing problems. It needed to be replaced/repaired. That was also well over 200 dollars.

And lastly my Minolta XG-7 had light leaks and a loose winding knob, and that was just under 200.

I've used Garry's Camera repair before, but I wanted to try out the new place because it was within driving distance to me and thought maybe the turn around time would be faster. But nope, they quoted me at 4-6 weeks :culpability:
I kinda feel like I've been had. But are these prices and turn around time "fair" in others' opinion?
Unfortunately those cameras were hardly top-of-the-line when new so the technicians didn't have much to work with - if they are now pretty much in original condition you probably didn't pay too much. Handle them gently, they weren't built to be used like a Hasselblad, Leica, Mamiya or Nikon.
IMHO that was cheap. I had my Nikormat shutter repaired 35 years ago which cost $175 then. So $200 in todays money is quite the deal.
Garry's camera repair is a flat fee of $78 for those 35mm cameras. So you did spend too much for those. I also think the price is a bit high for the 120 camera as those Brons body's sell on the eBay/KEH in working order for about that same price.
None of this adds up. Who orders repair on anything without an idea of cost? Garry's transparently posts prices and would likely state extras if necessary for your approval. Seems you got quick--albeit pricey-repair but say it took weeks? Strange...
I re-read your post... did you mean you've used Garry's Camera Repair before but this time you tried someplace new?

The cost seems a bit high for the Canon; I'd probably think about buying another camera and lens instead of putting much money into repair. (Although the cost may not be bad for taking the lens apart and cleaning it out and repairing the camera body too.)

I suppose to get a replacement part for the Bronica that would cost a bit more than a part being replaced on a film SLR.

I'm not too familiar with Minoltas or the cost of repairing them, but the cost seems a bit high to me.

Not sure if you can find out where things are in the process of repair but maybe don't leave all three cameras with them til you see how this goes with one or two.
I re-read your post... did you mean you've used Garry's Camera Repair before but this time you tried someplace new?
That's exactly it. I didn't want to have to go through the hassle of wrapping up and shipping out my camera, and then waiting for it to be repaired. Since the new place I took it to was driving distance, I figured I'd save time taking it to them. That definitely wasn't the case.
Also, since I had a medium format camera that needed repair, I figured 2 birds-1 stone. I don't think Garry repairs medium format, does he?
This is one reason why I have taken training on repairing cameras


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