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Cable Glands ?


TPF Noob!
Feb 17, 2006
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Hi :, )

Does anyone what Cable Glands are ?
as I have a job interview tommorow morning for a place that makes them :thumbup:

Thanks in advance :cheers:
They are basically metal or plastic tubes that go through holes in instrument casings, walls, etc. You then feed a cable down the centre of the tube.
By various means the tube is then compressed to grip the cable and hold it in position in the hole.
They serve two functions:
To stop a cable moving or being pulled out.
To seal the hole that the cable passes through to stop water, vapour, etc. getting through.
Good luck on the interview. You may consider doing some research on the company itself as well.

I got pinned down in an interview once when he asked me if I knew what the company did and I honestly had no idea... :blushing: Turns out they were financial consultants that had started as an insurance company about 100 years before.

I was just there to work on the computers.
Hertz van Rental said:
They are basically metal or plastic tubes that go through holes in instrument casings, walls, etc. You then feed a cable down the centre of the tube.
By various means the tube is then compressed to grip the cable and hold it in position in the hole.
They serve two functions:
To stop a cable moving or being pulled out.
To seal the hole that the cable passes through to stop water, vapour, etc. getting through.

They also provide an earth connection between the cable and switch (or whatever the cable is being fitted to) to eliminate voltage differential (not sure if this is the correct term for it though!)

By UK regulations though the mounting device cannot act as the earthing point at the same time though so a seperate earth strap or eyelet has to be provided too. Each fitting can only do 1 job.

What is the company & what size glands do they make? Some of them for armoured cable can be huge!
Many thanks everyone :thumbup:

good point Dweller, I'll see if they have a web site and do some swatting up tonight :mrgreen: thanks.

Hertz Van rental and plastic Spanner.. tha information was very helpful indeed, :thumbup: .. the company is Peppers Cable Glands Ltd.

Thanks Verbal... probably should have tried google first :thumbup:

Hopefully I'll be successful and then I can get a Hassalblad :mrgreen: hehehehe
I got the job !!!! :mrgreen: .. many thanks you helpful people !!!!! :thumbup: :smileys:
What awesome news! Good for you. Were you asked pointed questions about the company in the interview?
Thanks, Danke and le hannon :thumbup:
No pointed questions really, knowing roughtly what a cable gland is was good enough for them :mrgreen:

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