C&C - Toy Car Traffic Jam


Recovering TPF Junkie
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2010
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San Jose, CA
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Hello everyone, long time no see :D

Been busy with work / school / gym / etceteras, hadn't had much time to shoot for myself! Went out with a buddy today and did some shooting, came home with this. Let me know what you think :sexywink:


lotsacars by theofficialtevo, on Flickr
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are we supposed to count the impending crashes? because i can see four, LOL. the scene would almost be believable except for the fact that all of the cars are clean and shiny. i'm used to clean and shiny being an exception. :)
are we supposed to count the impending crashes? because i can see four, LOL. the scene would almost be believable except for the fact that all of the cars are clean and shiny. i'm used to clean and shiny being an exception. :)
surprisingly enough, these were all cars i photographed as they drove by. there must be lots of clean cars where i live :wink:
How do two vehicles end up back-to-back in real life?
Was this shot with a tilt shift or done in pp?

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