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C&C Please....Water Lilly

Barking Mad

TPF Noob!
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
Coastal Maine
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I was out at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens yesterday playing with my 3 year old and seeing as how she wouldn't consent to any more photographs ("mummy, you take too many pichures!") I found a water lilly to snap.

So here we go, my inaugural C&C request.

Sony a100.
Sony 75-300 lens.


I have no idea what all else was involved in this photo. As I stated in my introduction I am an accidental photographer and would really love some guidance in understanding the ins and outs of my equipment and how to understand the various aspects of photography so that I can start saying YES to requests for various shoots instead of "Ummmm, no can do, am washing my hair that day!"

Thanks in advance.

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Focus and exposure are good.
Not bad for an Accidental Photographer.

Next you need to look into composition.
You naturally centered the Lily. Next time move it somewhere else ... you will probably see that the image changes a lot.
When I was working on composition ... shot the same image multiple times by placing the subject in different areas ... then I picked the best one and really looked at why it was better than the centered shot.
It looks really good! I'm a beginner myself so I'm just thinking out loud here: the only thing I'd say is the water lily is too dead centered. Other than that it's sharp and the saturation is good and not over done.
Gorgeous colors, nice and sharp!

Remember the rule of thirds and you are golden!
have to go with the above comments the only thing i would have done different is cropped up and in more on the flower so you only saw the pads, flower and very little water. I think it would add a little more pop, all green and pow a pink pretty flower.

my 2 cents...
Thanks so much for the C&C so far.

I think I pretty much center everything, whether it's focal or in processing after upload via cropping.

I need to go back and read up on the Rule of Thirds and start applying it I guess.

Looking forward to more C&C!
Someone recommended this book to me and I'm really enjoying/understanding it, so maybe check it out. its full of examples with pictures and settings used. Thoroughly explains the 'ins and outs' of a DSLR camera...

Understanding Exposure - by Bryan Peterson
Someone recommended this book to me and I'm really enjoying/understanding it, so maybe check it out. its full of examples with pictures and settings used. Thoroughly explains the 'ins and outs' of a DSLR camera...

Understanding Exposure - by Bryan Peterson

Thanks so much for this! I'm ALWAYS looking for book to read on the subject, so let loose with any other recommendations! :thumbup:

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