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c&c building/garden shot


TPF Noob!
Jul 23, 2009
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took this on vacation...

how is the composition/exposure technical side

any tips on how the picture can be made more interesting?

The two first things that drew my eye were the tree on the left most side (as its dark and dominating), and then the really close, out of focus bush right in the middle of the image. The image comes of as a vacation snapshot, done in a hurry

The far trees seem to be way dark, even to the point of losing detail. I'm not liking the half palm tree leaves in the middle.

I think you should decide what you want your image to be and then aim at filling your frame more with just that image.

Watch for items all around your scene that are distracting and don't add much. We have a tendency at first to just look at the middle of the image and what we like, but when looking at the scene through the viewfinder, take your time and look all around for distractions.

I think this image would of been better if you shot at a different location, closer to the wall.
what if i crop out the tree on the left? you're right about it not looking nice right up there in your face. i think i left the foreground bushes in there on purpose but that may have been a fail
Try it and see for yourself.

I just resized my screen to cut out the left hand tree and I still didn't like it, mainly because of the bushes below. So I resized again and took out the busher and the left tree and I still have issues. Its better, but I find the trees that are along the wall break up the line that your eye should follow along the wall.

One of the composition tools in photography is leading lines... a line that leads the viewers eye. You build a line somewhat with the wall, but once my eye hits one of those trees, it just stops and my eye doesn't know where to go.

Does that make sense?
yes... makes sense...

i actually thought about them when i took it... but there like... wasn't any other vantage point i could get at that would show the wall the way it was...

mebbe sometimes a shot just don't work lol
Yep, I've had instances where I just could not find a way to get the shot I wanted.

Sometimes, going back there the next day, in a hour or whatever could help. Even bringing another pair of eyes. And walking around the area could help to, seeing it from the other side might have worked, or not.

The point is to try though, which you did!

When doing location shots, I often try and force myself to take 10 shots of something I find interesting. Zoomed out, zoomed in, using DOF, angles, different lenses... it forces me to try and be creative, which is where I need work :)
Can you post a larger version of it? It's a little hard to tell in some respects with an image that small.
Yes, please do post a larger version of the picture.

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