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Buying my first DSLR, good deal?


TPF Noob!
Dec 18, 2006
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Sacramento, CA
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Hello all. I'm moving up from my Canon Powershot S2 IS and looking to get into the DSLR business. I don't want to go all out yet, seeing how this will be my DSLR entry-level camera. I have a local seller who is selling the following:

Canon EOS Rebel XT

What is included in package:
- Canon EOS Rebel XT Body
- Canon BG-E3 Optional Vertical Grip
- Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4.5 DC MACRO
- (4) Canon lithium-ion batteries (aftermarket but work great) + charger
- Quantaray skylight filter
- Tamrac Digital backpack

He is selling the whole package as a bundle for $500obo. Would you consider this a good deal? What should I check for when buying my first camera? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks! :hail:
i think it's a good deal. the XT sells for about 479 new with kit lens only.

i am curious as to why the kit lens wasn't included in the sale

i own an XT and it takes great photos for an entry level dslr
i think it's a good deal. the XT sells for about 479 new with kit lens only.

i am curious as to why the kit lens wasn't included in the sale

i own an XT and it takes great photos for an entry level dslr

Thanks for the quick response. Yea, I'll be sure to ask him why, I was a bit curious also.

Do you know where I can find shots people took with an XT?
Well, the lens he is selling with it is better than the kit lens, and has a better range, and it is 1MM wider too, That lens sells for about $350 new. So I wouldn't be concerned that the kit lens isn't included... I'm thinking of buying that same lens to replace the Kit on my Pentaxes, I have seen some very good images shot with that Sigma.
stratman said the lens it comes with is better than the kit lens and sells for $350 new

i priced the grip new and it was around $150 or $200.

combined with the camera and other accessories......

IMO it is worth it
Missed Stratman's post. Okay, I did a lot of reading and even though the XT is a few years old it seems to be a real good beginner DSLR. I'm excited, you'll be seeing a lot of me around here.

Thanks again!!
It looks like a great deal, but I should warn you: try and go to your local camera shop and try out a Rebel XT. If it feels "right", then go for it, but if it doesn't, then you might want to think again. If you're uncomfortable with the camera, there's simply no point in getting it.

But the deal sounds great, just do a bit of questioning ;)
I ended up buying the camera for $500. The only thing it didn't come with that I needed to buy was a memory card. Stupid me I went out and bought a regular SD card instead of a CF one, haha.

I'm loving the camera, though. It's providing a real good platform for me to learn on.

Thanks again!
I ended up buying the camera for $500. The only thing it didn't come with that I needed to buy was a memory card. Stupid me I went out and bought a regular SD card instead of a CF one, haha.

I'm loving the camera, though. It's providing a real good platform for me to learn on.

Thanks again!


(i.e. lets see some pictures... have fun!)

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