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Burning Train


TPF Noob!
Dec 1, 2007
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This is a train that I photographed in Parrish Florida. It's not an HDR(I've had people ask me already). Hope you all like it...

I like the colours and the curve work but I think the lines would benefit greatly from a tiny bit of straightening, IMO

great photo
yes, a bit of straightening would be recommended i think.
normally i'm no fan of selective coloring but it works nicely in this one. still would like to see a complete b&w version though.
Here it is straitened but I like the first one better myself. Oh and this copy is a little smaller because I'm working off a broadband card right now and I don't feel like waiting for the full rez image to upload.

I love that effect, it is a very high contrast look and feel. You also get a sense of sadness or loss at the train that it is burning. That peeled/brunt paint on the front just adds nicely to it. As for that light distortion, I would not touch it at all, it adds to the flavor of the pic. Sometimes we don't have to be "teechnically" perfect to get the effect that we want.

Well done!
Wow! The lines of the second need in my opinion more space on the left of the picture. I like both images but maybe the second one is more "normal" fore the lines :D

Well done!
Wow! The lines of the second need in my opinion more space on the left of the picture. I like both images but maybe the second one is more "normal" fore the lines :D

Well done!

That's why I like the first one better. I like more space on the left, but you loose that when you staiten it. Thanks for the compliments! I wish it fit into the photo challenge theme for this month so I could submit it. Oh well.
wow....awesome shot man.
really cool.
great shot although i would definitely prefer it in BW.
nice work.
This shot confuses my brain in the best kind of way. Great shot.
Great post processing and perspective

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