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Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Crawly Creepy BUGS!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 11, 2007
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Ok, well, actually they are just some rolly-polly bugs, but still, I kind of like the shot.


D80, 1/60th, f/16, 105 VR Macro, SB-600 bounced, aperture priority, ISO 400. Monsanto Insecterium, St. Louis, shot in a display through glass.
Whoa, that's neato!!! I've never seen a bug like that... good job on the picture! :)
Whoa, that's neato!!! I've never seen a bug like that... good job on the picture! :)

Really? We had tons of Rollie Pollies growing up (also called Doodle-bugs). They were always fun to play with because when you touch them, they roll up in a little ball.

This of course was all before I discovered I was a girl! :lmao:
Oops! I forgot to say this is a really great shot. I couldn't even tell it was through glass.
Really? We had tons of Rollie Pollies growing up (also called Doodle-bugs). They were always fun to play with because when you touch them, they roll up in a little ball.

This of course was all before I discovered I was a girl! :lmao:

Haha... it's true! I've never seen em before. That's funky how they roll up in a little ball... if they were here I'd be a little kid again... :lmao:
wonderfully exposed macro of what I call Rough Sowbug or wood louse. Great work

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