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Born again Photo Snapper!


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Dec 2, 2024
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Hello y’all,
I’ve been shooting with an ancient Nikon D80 10 mp DSLR but have recently developed an interest in shooting 35mm. I plan to try and learn by using my wife’s 80’s made Minolta X700.
It’s a really cool little camera but I have very little experience shooting it. My wife barely ever used it so I’m going to give it try. I hope to be able to ask those of you that shoot 35mm for some tips if you don’t mind.
Glad to be here!
Hello y’all,
I’ve been shooting with an ancient Nikon D80 10 mp DSLR but have recently developed an interest in shooting 35mm. I plan to try and learn by using my wife’s 80’s made Minolta X700.
It’s a really cool little camera but I have very little experience shooting it. My wife barely ever used it so I’m going to give it try. I hope to be able to ask those of you that shoot 35mm for some tips if you don’t mind.
Glad to be here!
Welcome to the Forum!

Thanks for that but I do have the original.
My wife saves everything!
Check the condition of the foam light seal at the door hinge--most common source of light leaks
on this and other 70s-80s SLRs. An easy DIY job with thin adhesive-backed foam.
Sweet little camera. Compact form factor was very popular-Nikon FE, Pentax ME Super, Oly OM series all nearly the same size.
The only glitch with the X-700 was a baked-in issue with caps in the electronics failing, leaving the camera stone-cold dead. Didn't affect all but two used X-700s I bought in the early 2000s both conked out.
Shoot it till it breaks. Old Rokkor glass is nice.
If there's a capable repair tech available, use 'em now. These guys don't grow on trees. Any film camera you own that they service should be sent in for fixes or preventative maintenance. Recall when Toronto's premier medium format repair gurus croaked within 6 months of each other in the early 2000s. Panic!
Check the condition of the foam light seal at the door hinge--most common source of light leaks
on this and other 70s-80s SLRs. An easy DIY job with thin adhesive-backed foam.
Sweet little camera. Compact form factor was very popular-Nikon FE, Pentax ME Super, Oly OM series all nearly the same size.
The only glitch with the X-700 was a baked-in issue with caps in the electronics failing, leaving the camera stone-cold dead. Didn't affect all but two used X-700s I bought in the early 2000s both conked out.
Shoot it till it breaks. Old Rokkor glass is nice.
Thanks for the tips cgw.
Didn’t even think about any light infiltration due to poor door seals. Will have to check once I open her back up.
So my wife barely used the X700. Does lots of shutter clicks cause the caps to fizzle out or something else.
Is it true that the “newer” ones had less reliable caps than the early 80’s models?
Thanks for the tips cgw.
Didn’t even think about any light infiltration due to poor door seals. Will have to check once I open her back up.
So my wife barely used the X700. Does lots of shutter clicks cause the caps to fizzle out or something else.
Is it true that the “newer” ones had less reliable caps than the early 80’s models?
The suspicion was a bad batch of parts, which goes some distance to explain why only some died. Repair requires surgery to replace the caps. Process shown online if you search.
I'd not worry if it's working now.
If there's a capable repair tech available, use 'em now. These guys don't grow on trees. Any film camera you own that they service should be sent in for fixes or preventative maintenance. Recall when Toronto's premier medium format repair gurus croaked within 6 months of each other in the early 2000s. Panic!
Wanted to let y’all know all door seals are in really nice shape almost new looking and still
Soft and supple. Sent out my first roll waiting for processing prolly be some clinkers.
Gotta learn.

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