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TPF Noob!
Aug 30, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hangin' out at home with the lady

Raw (actually, don't even remember what film I used)

raw by Herbert Quick, on Flickr
Not bad. Film is less important here, what counts is, how did you process it. It was not compensating development, the highlights are somewhat blocked. Another question is, the second picture, what percentage of the negative frame is it ?
Not bad. Film is less important here, what counts is, how did you process it. It was not compensating development, the highlights are somewhat blocked. Another question is, the second picture, what percentage of the negative frame is it ?

I sent this batch out to the lab, so I'm not exactly sure how they went about it. BUT I did just process on my own for the first time and they came out great, so I'll throw some of thos up when I scan them!

I think I took the second one in from the left by about 1/6 of the frame
Not bad. Film is less important here, what counts is, how did you process it. It was not compensating development, the highlights are somewhat blocked. Another question is, the second picture, what percentage of the negative frame is it ?

I sent this batch out to the lab, so I'm not exactly sure how they went about it. BUT I did just process on my own for the first time and they came out great, so I'll throw some of thos up when I scan them!

I think I took the second one in from the left by about 1/6 of the frame
Congrats for first successful development. let see, how well you did.
I hope you will find satisfaction in own developing. I am saying over and over, b&w film is not digital or color slide, there is a thousand ways to develop it. Lab will not develop it in optimal way, no matter what.
I asked about the second picture as it displays some unwanted qualities. It is clearly develop in some fine grain developer, my guess is D76 full strength. Grain is intrusive, there is clear loss of detail and sharpness, shadows look like leopard fur. Obvious action of strongly solvent developer on today's thin emulsion film. There are better ways, but... is up to you. :1247:
Thanks for the tips!

I almost enjoyed the process of development more than taking the pictures. That excited anticipation is childlike. I just need to grab some photo paper and get down to my friend's studio. I'll probably print some old shots too, for good measure!

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