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TPF Noob!
Jul 25, 2024
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Got lucky to capture this, unfortunately fumbling to get the camera out of my bag and snap before it ran away. Not the sharpest I don't think.

OMG!!! amazing! Were you just hiking along and spotted her? #goals
OMG!!! amazing! Were you just hiking along and spotted her? #goals

Yes was a lucky opportunity. I know we have them in the area I usually walk, have seen them a couple of times before but usually I see them running away, they spot me way before I spot them!

Wasn't out looking for one, actually wanted to try an find some Northern Harries that I've been told are also in the area. (Never saw one on this outing).
Hope he's not hunting bunnys😉. Cool find there!
Just beautiful.......... wow !!
With nature shots you can only do the best you can with what nature presents.

And you did a good job.
Beautiful shot! They are pretty but can be scary haha. I seen a few of them in my backyard...one was attacking a fox 😭

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